Artist Statement
I am my own worst enemy. Life feels exhausting. The world doesn’t make sense. I am trapped in my mind, focused on fears, worries, and regrets. It’s hard for me to let go of the past and I catastrophize my future. I worry about what everyone thinks of me. I never feel like enough. People don’t seem to understand me. So, I hide away. My solitude is my most prized possession. But hiding away comes at a price. That price being social and other anxieties.
This used to be me. I thought I was broken. Until I learned something during my hypnotherapy studies that changed my life forever. I learned there are different personality types. I was shocked to learn nearly half the population is introverted and that it’s completely normal. Introverted personality types aren’t good at socializing and would prefer being by themselves. They are deep thinkers and love to learn. This information was freeing. I now embrace my personality type.
My work conveys metaphorical landscapes that represent the mind space of introvert personality types. I used a pinhole camera to impart the work with dream-like, contemplative, and aethereal qualities to allow us a glimpse into the mind of an introvert. I chose to include nature in my photographs because nature is the answer to an introvert’s struggles. Nature teaches us important concepts like learning to relax, staying present in the moment, and noticing the beauty around us. All are important aspects to freeing us from our own internal abuse so that we may live a more effortless life filled with success.
Traumas from childhood past, designed by evil to hold us back.
Traumas from childhood past, designed by evil to hold us back.
The world around us insane, we hide away to avoid the pain.
The world around us insane, we hide away to avoid the pain.
Authentic self locked away, worried about what others might say.
Authentic self locked away, worried about what others might say.
Mind spins, overthinking, exhausting self and slowly sinking.
Mind spins, overthinking, exhausting self and slowly sinking.
Devine purpose slowed for years, path obscured by worries and fears.
Devine purpose slowed for years, path obscured by worries and fears.
Public speaking worse than death, stomach in knots ‘til the very last breath.
Public speaking worse than death, stomach in knots ‘til the very last breath.
Excessive worry, a warm feeling of safety, it’s but an illusion of control that helps only faintly.
Excessive worry, a warm feeling of safety, it’s but an illusion of control that helps only faintly.
Media filled with news of dread, self created monsters dance in our head.
Media filled with news of dread, self created monsters dance in our head.
Covid hits, forced to hide where we dwell, mentally unhealthy, crawling up tight in our shell.
Covid hits, forced to hide where we dwell, mentally unhealthy, crawling up tight in our shell.
The sky is falling, "down in your bunker", apocalypse near, in our minds we will hunker.
The sky is falling, "down in your bunker", apocalypse near, in our minds we will hunker.
A thousand compliments on our head be crowned, but one negative comment, we are felled to the ground.
A thousand compliments on our head be crowned, but one negative comment, we are felled to the ground.
For fear of drama, hate, or displeasure, our boundaries are rickety, we will please you however.
For fear of drama, hate, or displeasure, our boundaries are rickety, we will please you however.
Trauma from the past, hard to let go, our forward progress will be slow.
Trauma from the past, hard to let go, our forward progress will be slow.
Overwhelming ourselves causes fight, flight, and freeze. Stay still too long and nature will seize.
Overwhelming ourselves causes fight, flight, and freeze. Stay still too long and nature will seize.
The flow of abundance stagnant and still, our undeserving beliefs stop everything at will.
The flow of abundance stagnant and still, our undeserving beliefs stop everything at will.
We visualize a future gloomy and dense, we attract this house with a white picket fence.
We visualize a future gloomy and dense, we attract this house with a white picket fence.
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