About Me
First and foremost, I consider myself a motivator and healer. I love being a hypnotherapist. I opened my private practice in 2013 and since then I have assisted hundreds of people in achieving their goals. One of the many things I teach my clients is to follow their intuition. I believe our intuition is a compass that guides us to our best life possible. My intuition guided me to pursue a degree in photography at the Academy of Art University (AAU). I followed my intuition and received my MA degree in photography from AAU in May of 2024.
Along my journey in discovering and developing my photographic style, I have leaned mostly towards creating photographs with a multi-dimensional, dream-like, or introspective feel to them. I am fascinated by pinhole photography. A simple technology dating back to the fifth century BC, a box with a hole, that can produce images that cannot be replicated by today’s digital camera technology or AI. The unique aberrations and artifacts present in pinhole photography create one-of-a-kind pieces of art. By using paper negatives with a low ISO, ultra-long exposure times create wonderful distortions, movement, and varying areas of focus.
More than the act of photographing, I enjoy manipulating images in post processing. I use layers and blending modes in Photoshop to create multi-layered images. I don’t know exactly what I am going to get each time, but that is what is exciting. The surprise when I click that one correct button and the photograph comes to life. Multi-layered images resonate with me more than straight photographs. They are like a puzzle that needs solving. Not every detail will be noticed at first glance. The photograph slowly reveals itself to you, in stages, as your mind grasps each nuance. To me, this is more engaging than traditional photography.
Overall, my work is about activating both halves of the viewer’s brain. The logical half and the imaginative half, while also encouraging contemplation and reflection. In doing so, I hope to trigger self-introspective healing within the viewer. As they view my photographs, their subconscious mind can trigger the activation of whatever neurons are important and relevant for their own healing. I believe this to be a unique healing modality that hasn’t been used in traditional therapy.
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